Emerging Healthcare Entrepreneurialism
Emerging Health Care Entrepreneurism
New Orleans is a vibrant community with all of the infrastructure needed for growth in the emerging healthcare industry. We have both innovators and investors, but there is often a gap between the two in speaking the language of healthcare entrepreneurs and speaking the language of investors. Learn how I hope to help fill that gap and encourage new developments in medicine by connecting these two groups.
A (brief) history of the opioid crisis
While the current opioid addiction crisis is reaching critical levels, we’ve faced this epidemic before. The first issues surfaced after soldiers who were injured in the Civil War were given heroin to wean themselves off of morphine. The use of pain management drugs has continued to rise because of astronomical supply and the frequency with which opioids are prescribed. We need to remember our past if we want to make progress on our current opioid addiction crisis. Learn more here.
What is a healthcare entrepreneur?
A healthcare entrepreneur is someone who leverages the resources and passion of the business environment toward solutions that elevate the healthcare standards of patients and the community. If you have the full backing of the business community and allow them to invest in raising local healthcare standards, then everybody benefits. That’s what I’m most excited about. Learn more about my background and passion for helping patients with their healthcare needs.
The New Orleans 100 Instagram
From scientists at the BioInnovation Center to technicians and doctors at local universities and hospitals such as LSU, Tulane, and Ochsner, there are so many healthcare innovators in New Orleans. They have exciting ideas and technologies with practical use that can impact our community–they just need the right platform. Learn more about how I seek to connect those healthcare innovators with investors in the New Orleans area.